GCP vs AWS: An honest comparison of cloud computing providers

October 20, 2021

GCP vs AWS: An honest comparison of cloud computing providers

When it comes to the cloud computing industry, two of the biggest names that come to mind are Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS). While both are excellent in their own right, you might be wondering which one is the better choice for your business. Well, fret not because we are here to provide an honest comparison of both services.


Let's start off with the most important factor for most businesses - cost. On the surface, it seems like GCP is the more expensive option. However, when you dive deeper, you'll realize that it's not as simple as that. Both providers offer various pricing options, and the costs will ultimately depend on your specific needs.

That being said, AWS does offer more affordable options for smaller businesses with its pay-as-you-go plan. On the other hand, GCP offers more discounts for long-term commitments.


When it comes to reliability, both providers are pretty much on par with each other. However, AWS does have a more extensive global infrastructure, which gives it a slight edge over GCP.


Both GCP and AWS offer a wide range of services, including compute, storage, database, analytics, and more. However, AWS has a more extensive portfolio of services with over 175 offerings, while GCP has around 50.


In terms of performance, GCP has an edge over AWS thanks to its custom CPUs, which are specifically designed for high-performance computing.

User Interface

When it comes to user interface, AWS has often been criticized for its complex and overwhelming dashboard. On the other hand, GCP is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface.


So, who comes out on top? Well, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. While AWS offers more affordability and a more extensive range of services, GCP has an edge in terms of performance and user interface. However, it's worth noting that both providers are excellent in their own right and are trusted by some of the biggest names in the industry.


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